Student's Health Assessment And Performance Evaluation
A Brief Introduction

SHAPE, our flagship program, runs in association with Academic Institutions , is dedicated towards awareness of emotional well-being for our young students. We educate them at an early age on the importance of Managing Emotions, Maintain Balanced Personality and Career Roadmap. The program endeavors to let our young citizens learn “Self Love and Care” & “Motivation and Mental Relaxation”.

SHAPE Features
Structured Curriculum
Phygital Group Session
Students, Parents, Techer Covered
Self Help Digital Content
Annual Screening on Wellbeing
Individual Counselling Sessions
Monthly Management Reporting
SHAPE Benefits
Self Awareness of Emotions
Understanding Self-Care
Improved Behavioral Issues
Develop Scientific Temper
Increased Learning & Creativity
Rejuvenated Family Bonding
Improved Digital Hygiene